Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why is there unequal division of household labour in most of the society?

In this article, we address the division of household labour by examining its general situation and exploring different approaches used by different sociologist to account for it. The five approaches are namely exchange theory, resource theory, Marxist feminist theory, radical feminist theory and social construction theory will be discussed. With the evidence of previous researches, the situation of division of household labour is explored and evaluated in terms of its degree of gender inequality as manifested. In the second part, the situation is being accounted by those five approaches so as to determine whether the situation can be altered. Household labour can be defined in a variety of ways, however, in this article, we acquire those employed by Shelton (1996), that is defined as unpaid work done to maintain family member and/ or a home, which, emotion work and other â€Å"invisible† types of work are typically excluded. Meanwhile, it is a job described as monotonous, fragmented, with low status not being treated as a â€Å"real† work, bring no financial remuneration, isolated with inherent time limits, and often received no recognition Oakley (Morris 1990:81). Since mid 1960s, researches on comparing the division of household labour between men and women has been mounting, it is not only due to the great impact of household labour on the family life of contemporary married couple, but also due to its implication of gender equality in the society to certain extend. In this article, we address this issue by examining its general situation and exploring different approaches used by different sociologist to account for it. Through this process, it is hoping to find out the most comprehensive approach so as to determine whether the situation can be altered. A great amount of researches on the division of household labour have evidenced that women share the majority of the housework with especially the responsibility for regular, routine repetitive and childcare related housework. While for men, they are more likely to perform non-routine tasks. For instance, from Chu's research on the household distribution between women and men in Hong Kong (1997) revealed that â€Å"wife alone† occupies the largest share in taking up the actual responsibility of all the regular housework such as foodstuff buying, meal making, dish washing and house cleaning. etc.. Whereas, husband's involvement is limited on those irregular tasks such as car washing, bill recording and maintaining and repairing household apparatus. He also find that more than one quarter of the 230 interviewed households rely entirely on wives alone to do eight items of housework. One may doubt the situation in western countries. Would the westernized value system decrease the discrepancy in the household division of labour? This is clarified by numerous researches done in UK and US recently, which suggest that the â€Å"traditional allocation of domestic work to the woman hold firm† (Morris, 1990:86). Martin and Roberts echoed with the above conclusion by reporting that 73 percent of wives and 72 percent of husbands said that most of the wife did most or all of the housework. Though, the percent decrease when the wife is in employment, yet, majority said that wife did majority of the housework. Abbott & Wallace, 1997). From all these findings, we can conclude that the most notable characteristic of the current division of household labour is that whether employed or not, women continue to do the majority of housework. This pattern should never be ignored since as pointed out by several sociologists that the women's rare continuous full-time careers or small labour-market participation are greatly affected by their family responsibilities especially the existence of dependent children (Abbott & Wallace, 1997). The family responsibilities born by women despite their employment status create a dual role for them and the effects have been conceptualized by Morris in terms of â€Å"role strain†. She proposed that â€Å"it is manifest as a ‘wide', distracting and sometimes conflicting array of role obligations† (1990:94) where the source of strain comes from the accumulation of roles and their contradictory, incompatible role expectations or from the competing demanding for time and attention. This result in overload of total demands on time and energy for women in general and may turn employment from a mean of offering positive social and psychological rewards and a major contributing factor to women's increased liberation and independence (Pearson, 1990), to a stress for women. The tension for women between career and family is therefore is due to the unequal household distribution in the family on one hand. The inequality in power, status and wealth between men and women on the other hand is another reflection from the household distribution. However, what contribute to this pattern of household labour division? In the following, we explore five approaches in accounting this situation and concluding if it is possible for the unequal situation to be altered. The five approaches are namely exchange theory, resource theory, Marxist feminist theory, radical feminist theory and social construction theory. â€Å"Exchange theory with a view to examining family cohesion from the perspective of reciprocity and the exchange of rights and duties between husband and wife† (Morris, 1990:82). It sees marital satisfaction such as companionship, empathy and affection was attained from the instrumental exchange between economic provision and domestic labour from husband and wife respectively. From this approach, we can get inference that men spend more time in paid work while women spend more time in domestic work as they are naturally assigned to. Therefore, it fails to take account of differential power within marriage and of social status outside the marriage. That is it cannot explain why there is such exchange pattern, why man as a breadwinner and women as a housekeeper? Resource theory, an alternative approach may provide some explanation for it. It is proposed by Blood and Wolfe in 1959 (see Morris 1990) who applied the idea of differential control of valued resources and elaborated its application to the organization of household labour. This approach sees the division of housework as reflecting resources men and women bring to relationships. The possible critical resources proposed are the educational attainment, occupational prestige and the amount of earning from labour market. It formulated that the more powerful spouses do least household labour and that if the wife does most household labour it is because she wields least power. In other words, the individual with most resources can use those resources to negotiate his/her way out of housework (Brines 1993: quoted from Shelton & John 1996:304). Thus this approach assumes that housework is viewed negatively by both women and men and that they are therefore motivated to reduced their share of it. So, in this approach, division of household labour is actually an indicator of power and through which, we can understand the specific negotiations and decisions arrived at by individual couples in the organization of domestic life. Blood and Wolfe continue to argue that base on cross-cultural comparison, husband's relatively low contribution to domestic labour is not ideologically based but a result of rational resources distribution. In other words, the man has strength in the labour market and the women have time. Nonetheless, this approach have not addressed why men has more strength in the work field with higher educational attainment, higher earning and higher occupational prestige. According to above two approaches, division of household labour should be more equally shared with recent growth of married women's employment as well as the release of many men from the rigours the occupational system by unemployment, when, women are provided with chances to gain more resources and independence. Young and Willmott (1973; Quoted from Morris, 1990) proposed that the middle classes were at the forefront of a move towards symmetricality in marriage in which the role of husband and wife will become more identical. Wong stand in the same line with Young and Willmott stated that industrialization has substantially increased employment opportunities for women and as a result, has significantly advanced their position within the family. He observed that the wife's paid employment has contributed to much greater equality between spouses, in sharing of household duties and in decision-making (Leung, 1996). However, hitherto tasks of wage and earning and domestic labour are still largely segregated. Many researches can only give little evidence of male unemployment leading to major responsibility for domestic work, nor even to their taking an equal share. It is because most of the researches which asserted male have participated more in domestic labour are actually based on proportional sense but not absolute sense (Morris, 1990; Chu, 1997). In this sense, the proportion of man's contribution rises with the wife's employment is only due to her own household labour time falls rather than to his rise. This kind of â€Å"cutting back† or the kind of â€Å"role expansion† as mentioned above is not a real reappointment of household labour. The following three approaches can provide a more in depth explanation to account for such persistent pattern of unequal household division pattern between men and women. The emergence of capitalism with the related rise of mercantilism, industrialization, and a cash-based economy, eroded the position of women by shifting the centre of production form the domestic until to the public workplace. This separation not only devalued women's labour in the home, but it also made women more economically dependent on men† (Tilly and Scott, 1978; quoted from Anderson, 1997). This view of devaluation in women's status is clearly linked to the raise of industrialization and capitali sm. It is claimed that industrialization make the home became separated from the place of work and gradually women became associated with the domestic sphere, while men with public sphere, earning a wage and participating in politics. Then capitalist benefited from this segregation in domestic and earning labour as â€Å"women's domestic labour reproduce the relations of production and also contributes to the maintenance of tolerable living standards for men and may reduce political pressure for radical change†(Abbott & Wallace, 1997:201). From this approach, the division of domestic labour is related to the sexual division of labour in paid employment and this is why Marxist feminists derived women's oppression from capitalism. It is this benefit for the capitalist help keeping the division of domestic labour in a way that trapped women in the domestic sphere by decreasing women from opportunity of promotion and high earning. This view set out to analyze the situation not simply the relationship between domestic labour and the capitalist system, but also queries the nature of the relationship between paid worker and the domestic worker. Nonetheless, as Morris pointed out, once we take the feminine nature of the domestic role as our starting point then the focus of analysis need to be directed from an exploration of the relationship between capitalism, waged labour and domestic labour, to a focus on the nature of the male-female relationship (1990:83). This change of emphasis leads us to the post hold by radical feminist, which holds that the sources of women's oppression and domination at unpaid labourers is not capitalism but patriarchy that is â€Å"a system of values that asserts and maintains man's dominant position in society† (Morris, 1990:83). Abbott and Wallace also proposed that it is men's control over financial resources that gives them power in marriage and makes it difficult for a wife to be independent from her husband. Radical feminist argue that patriarchy in the patriarchal mode of production existed long before the development of capitalism. Yet, the line between patriarchy and capitalism is ambiguous as they are both historically induced from industrialization, in which separation of paid and unpaid work, and development of the role of â€Å"housewife† is evoked. This in turn developed capitalism and patriarchy intertwiningly. The picture provided by capitalism and patriarchy for domestic labour distribution is not complete if we did not take social construction theory into account. It explain why the above two ideologies about the economic structure and men respectively can have a spiral effect in the society. Sociologists who regard gender as social construction (Fenstermaker et al, 1991, Lorber 1986; quoted from Shelton & John, 1996) argue that housework produces both household goods and services and gender. It is pointed out that women's time spent on housework and men's general avoidance of it produce and transform gender. Therefore, researches find out that women and men may view their housework as expression of their gender and that women's attempt to think of housework as nurturance and love rather than work. This social construction of gender is a product out of the two ideologies as evidenced from institutional and normative forces and the cultural message about the role of male and female. As mentioned before, capitalism and patriarchy exploited women by depriving them to get as much power and status as men. When this is widespread and progress to become a social norm which in turn rooted into people's mind and constructed an ideology of gender, a vicious cycle may be resulted. For instance, they employers assume that motherhood is more central to women's lives than in career and the limited job opportunities and the low pay that the women receive may actually push them into marriage and motherhood. Women are then described to be trapped into the domestic sphere in an extreme sense as early socialization in the family, schooling, presentation of women's role in mass media and the structure mode in society all promote the unbalance share of domestic household. This approach can account for findings about the conservative gender role held by most of women even nowadays. It is found that a few women believed their husband were not doing enough and majority did not expect their husbands to share household responsibilities equally (Yogev, 1981: quoted from Morris, 1990:101). Undoubtedly, women's right and status are increasing with more voices against gender inequality. Yet, whether the trend of more and more obligation for a married women to became a working wife or working mother can attenuate the role specialization within the conjugal setting, depends much on the how they perceive housework and how they define fairness in the household. From the five theories discussed above, we can concluded that household labour division is inevitably a manifestation of gender inequality, while exchange theory and resources theory explain the situation with the most salient phenomenon such as material and resources allocation between men and women, Marxist feminist theory, radical feminist theory and social construction theory use a relatively more thorough approach to account for it. Therefore, we can speculated that in order to breakthrough the long-drawn practice of unequal division of household labour, women should firstly be conscious that equal share of domestic household with men is a right that is reasonable for them to pursue and secondly she has to undergo the struggle induced from the rooted cultural predisposition on the role as being a women, that is a mother and a wife. Otherwise, the spiral effect caused by capitalism, patriarchy and social construction will resist the division of household labour to change.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mcdonald’s Business Ethics

McDonald’s Ethics Or Lack of Ethics Dymirra G. Ambeau Test Drive College McDonald’s was founded in San Bernardino, CA in the year 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald. The two brothers sold their fast food restaurant to a milk shake salesman named Ray Kroc in the year of 1961. Kroc believed in conformity, uniformity and the ethic of mass production. Following the ethic of mass production Kroc began to use frozen beef patties and genetically-modified potatoes to ensure uniform taste.McDonald’s also pays minimum wage to their workers, who essentially do assembly line, factory-type work. If you were to reclassify the work they do to factory work that would â€Å"add about 3. 5 million manufacturing jobs to the U. S. economy, at a time when such jobs are rapidly being exported overseas. From a statistical point of view, it would make the U. S. seem like an industrial powerhouse once again, instead of an ageing superpower threatened by low-cost competitors† (Sc hlosser, 2004).Despite the objections of McDonald's, the term â€Å"McJob† was added to Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary in 2003. The word â€Å"McJob† means a low-paying job that requires little skill and provides little opportunity for advancement. McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of toys, which it includes with kids meals which were introduced in June 1979. It has been alleged that the use of popular toys encourages children to eat more McDonald's food, thereby contributing to many children's health problems, including a rise in obesity.Many parents weren’t happy and said that giving toys with children's meals circumvents parental control and teaches children unhealthy eating habits. One mother sued McDonald’s and went on to say, â€Å"I object to the fact that McDonald's is getting into my kids' heads without my permission and actually changing what my kids want to eat†. McDonald’s now features fruits, salad, and heal thier drinks but continues to give out toys. This was not the first time McDonald’s has been sued. McDonald’s has been sued multiple times for health related issues.They have also been fined twice for breaking child labor laws. In 2001 the company was fined 12,400 British Pounds Sterling by British magistrates for illegally employing and over-working child labor in one of its London restaurants. This is thought to be one of the largest fines imposed on a company for breaking laws relating to child working conditions. In April 2007 in Perth, Western Australia, McDonald's pleaded guilty to five charges relating to the employment of children under the age of 15 in one of its outlets and was fined $8,000 AUD.Still, McDonald’s has a few good ethics. They own the Ronald McDonald House Charities, an organization that helps families with critically ill or injured children who must travel to fulfill their healthcare needs. They also host an annual event at McDonaldâ€⠄¢s called â€Å"McHappy Day† where a percentage of the day’s sales go to charities. McDonald’s also tries to help the environment by using biomass power plants to cut its waste and carbon footprint in half where biomass power plants are available.They’ve also reduced the amount of packing for their food by 46% since the year 1970. Overall, weight reductions in packaging and products, as well as the increased usage of bulk packaging ultimately decreased packaging by 24 million pounds annually. References http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Happy_Meal http://www. neumann. edu/academics/divisions/business/journal/review_08/gibison. pdf http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ray_Kroc#McDonald. 27s http://www. guardian. co. uk/business/2010/dec/19/mcdonalds-happy-meals-sued-california http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/McDonald's#Criticism

Monday, July 29, 2019

Marx and Nietzsche

In these paragraphs Marx takes into consideration the first ‘illusion of German Ideology’ and questions it validity. German philosophy based its premises about human consciousness on idealism whereas Marx develops it from the material existence of humans.   He says that ‘[t]he premises from which we begin are not arbitrary ones, not dogmas, but real premises†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Marx, p. 311), these premises are based on â€Å"the real individuals, their activity and the material conditions under which they live† (p. 311) whereas German premises does not originate from human existence but is a production of mental exercise. Marxian method is historical materialism but it does not mean that it is not based on premises but unlike German premises, it is based on real life. So Marx says; ‘In direct contrast to German philosophy which descends from heaven to earth, here we ascend from earth to heaven. That is to say, we do not set out from what men say, imagine, conceive, nor from men as narrated, thought of, imagined, conceived, in order to arrive at men in the flesh. We set out from real, active men, and on the basis of their real life-process we demonstrate the development of the ideological reflexes and echoes of this life-process.’ (Marx, p. 315) Marx is of the view that primarily human beings are productive as they must develop a system of production to comply with their means of subsistence and only hence they can satisfy their material needs. This necessity generates a chain reaction i.e. new needs and new production. And these productive forces and processes develop the social existence of human being. So it is the material life that determines the social life of humans. So materialism directs the social and hence the human consciousness. â€Å"Consciousness is, therefore, from the very beginning a social product, and remains so as long as men exist at all.† (Marx, p. 317) According to Nietzsche, Greek Tragedy was evolved from the traditional chorus that was innovative and original drama evolved from Greek ritualism.—Nietzsche refutes   Aristotelian theory pertaining to origin of Greek tragedy and rests his premises on the theory of Schiller. Schiller theory is of the view that chorus is a living wall that has enveloped the Greek tragedy in order to detach itself from the real world and its realities. And thus it has retained its poetic autonomy and saved itself from naturalism. â€Å"The satyr, as the dionysian chorist, lives in a religiously acknowledged reality under the sanction of myth and cult.† (Nietzsche, p. 322) Chorus, an epitome of myth and cult of religions becomes the basic of Greek Tragedy in opposition to naturalism prevailing in the contemporary intellectual world. The tragedy chorus replicates this natural occurrence in an artistic way. Nietzsche illustrates that tragedy as an art form is valuable for humanity. In contrast to Schopenhauer, Nietzsche demonstrates that tragedy as the art form of corporeal recognition and approval of pathos and miseries of life and exulting in these harsh realities adoration of pre-destination. Apollonian and Dionysian differences on Tragedy stem from their intellectual differentiations and practical manifestation of this form of art. Nietzsche is of the view that tragedy is endangered when music is discarded. To Nietzsche, Apollonian music was â€Å"Doric architecture in sonic mode† but Dionysian music was of supreme kind with poignant power of sound and melodious current. Nietzsche further points out the differences between the Dionysos and Socrates thematic expression. Overall, Nietzsche considers tragedy as beautiful fusion and manifestation of Dionysian astuteness and Apollonian art.

How to be Succeed in the first Job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How to be Succeed in the first Job - Essay Example If a person has enough information about a place, he or she is likely to get used to the area quickly compared to someone who does not have any idea about the workplace. This kind of information can be accessed from the employer or other employees working at the place. This is commonly referred to as organizational learning (Kleynhans, 36). A new employee should actively interact with different employees so as to be in a position to gain knowledge about the new job. In most cases, people learn from other workers in the organization and this is very effective in as far as knowledge creation is concerned, hence the need for a new employee to interact with older employees in the company. It is also very important to conduct personal research about a workplace in order to be in a position to succeed in the first job. It is essential for a person to show that he has some knowledge about the job as well as the workplace when he joins the company. This helps to reduce the chances of confusi on when one is working in a certain company. Personal researches can be conducted using different strategies. The internet for instance is very effective in as far as searching for information about any particular subject is concerned (Hyder). For instance, Google search engine is very effective in as far as research about a specific area or place is concerned. Different companies now have their own websites and these are very effective since any information about a given subject can be accessed. Information related to the type of work performed can also be accessed from the internet. Individual career development is also essential in order for a person to succeed in the first job. Robbins (570) states that it is very important for a prospective employee to first assess his or her skills since the idea is to capitalise on your strengths. The other important aspect for the prospective employee is to merge what he or she likes with what he or she can do best. It becomes easier for the new employee to be a great achiever since he has the knowledge to perform different tasks in the new job. On the other hand, it can be observed that the concept of safety management has significantly gained prominence during the contemporary period. Safety management is a discipline that requires the new employee to acquire vital knowledge from the people who are experienced in the same type of work. The experienced workers can impart their vital knowledge to new workers and this can also help to ensure their safety. During the current period, it can be seen that organizations are more concerned with ensuring that employees are working in a safe environment. For instance, in mining, construction or any other manufacturing industry, it can be seen that safety management is given the priority it deserves. Companies provide booklets that have information about the safety procedures that can be taken during the period they are performing their job. Each department also has a supervisor who will be concerned with ensuring that all the new employees have understood the demands of their work. This also helps them to minimise chances of getting injured at the workplace since they will have the right knowledge about safety at the workplace. When one is visiting a construction site in a building

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Role of Supreme Court under the direction of John Marshall Essay

Role of Supreme Court under the direction of John Marshall - Essay Example Role of Supreme Court under the direction of John Marshall In the case Maryland vs. McCulloh, the Supreme Court through Marshall’s verdict asserted that the federal government retains the power to tax the new national bank since its powers are constitutionally right. This ruling brought the balance between the state and the federal government. Federalism caused differences in the way the US government operated. According to his judgments, the federal law was more superior to the State. Most of his rulings aimed at reducing the monopolies that overtook the business realm in the 1800’s. Marshal was able to prevent the state government from using too much beyond their jurisdiction to control business activities. In 1810, Marshall made a ruling between Fletcher v Peck insisting that businesses should avoid breach of contracts if they are to succeed. Marshal also ensured that corporation and organization transact business as individuals and own properties like humans (Henry). Impacts of transport revolution in America 1816-1860 The government played a crucial role in promoting the transport sector during this period. The government built roads, canals, and railways to promote the business industry that was rapidly growing. During this time, sea transport provided the cheapest transport. This encouraged the government to build many canals in the country. Journeys became shorter; business transactions and operations moved faster. Transport also helped in improving the communication.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Leadership & Communication in Health Care Service Organizations Essay

Leadership & Communication in Health Care Service Organizations - Essay Example Without communication, an organization will not be able to function well. Eventually, this will lead to underachievement of organizational goals considering that the success of an organization is highly influenced by the entire communication process involved. It is in line with this that this paper includes the discussion about leadership, motivation and communication in an organization. The proponent tries to apply the information in line with leadership functions and activities of managers and their influence on the successful performance particularly in health services organizations. Thus, some theories, concepts and terms related with leadership are included based on their association with a successful performance and goal attainment of the health care service organizations. Leadership There are many existing theories about leadership and these primarily include great man, trait, contingency, situational, behavioral, participative, management, and relationship (Cherry par. 1-8). All of these theories have important contribution in understanding the success of health care service organizations. ... Thus, they usually end up differentiating their services and product offerings. However, the implementation of this specific approach is not going to be easy. In fact, this highly involves specific leadership approach depending on the type of strategies at hand. Great man theories assume that leadership is innate and that every great leader is born not made and that they will rise above others if it is necessary, while trait theories state that leadership traits are innate among leaders (Cherry par. 1-2). These theories are believed to be very applicable in an organization before but today the fierce competition existing between health service organizations would require competent leaders based on experience and other relevant qualifications. Thus, it is in this reason that in order to have effective leadership activity, a certain health service organization must necessarily understand other modern leadership concepts. Today’s leadership activity requires basic understanding o f both external and internal business environment. Thus, the remaining leadership theories are making sense on how exactly organizations are performing when it comes to their ability to apply the leadership concept. Contingency theories of leadership state that leader’s response to leadership is affected by factors in the environment such as leadership style, followers and situational aspects (Cherry par. 3). Thus, there are some health service organizations today that try to give more emphasis on enhancing leadership style and character development of their staffs. Situational theories state that leaders choose the best course of action in situations that requires decision making (Cherry par.4).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Summation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summation - Essay Example The uprising, Intifada, lasted for almost 5 years and aimed at establishing a self-governing Palestine state. Secondly, another internal clash in Middle East occurred amid Iraq and Kuwait. The war was referred to as the Gulf war after being internationalized (Cleveland, 2004). Another event that Middle East experienced was the external intervention of outside countries such as US, directly involved in the regions affairs. The outside intervention resulted to consequences still felt in the modern days. The US military intervention in the region was caused by a fundamental change experienced due to alteration of international balance of supremacy because of the closing stages of Cold War (Cleveland, 2004). Iraq faced challenges from the occasional US aerial bombardment and the unstable economic sector. Moreover, the Gulf War resulted to a closer relationship amid Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The 2 states were enforced to make a dual decision making for the pro of the future (Cleveland, 2004). The event resulted to both peace and uproar in the region, for example, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia solved their differences, and Israel and Palestine continued to fight. USA was perceived as an intruder who was concerned with her own wellbeing instead of the welfare of the region. The participation of US military in Gulf War was perceived to be biased and ended the relationship amid allies of Iraq and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

IMF Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IMF - Case Study Example It was founded to help developing countries by lending cash for development of financial structures so that it can reach developed stage (Mody & Saravia, 2008). However, this contradicts the functions of IMF presently. Some of these countries engage in highly risky activities with the notion that IMF will come to their rescue in case of failing of the business or inevitable losses. This has led to increased numbers of financial crises due to the increased responsiveness of the IMF to such crises. As a result of the increased number of crisis, the IMF has faced overloading of tasks. This needs response; hence, its main aim of increasing financial structures of developing countries is often slow to allocate and fund them. They give first priorities to crisis’s hit countries hence these countries tend to drag in developments (Mody & Saravia, 2008). IMF system of short-term crisis management is too costly, responds too slow, its advice often incorrect to the lending and repayment, and its efforts to influence policy and practice too intrusive. IMF management of crisis is often too expensive due to the process of analyzing the extent of the crisis, and vulnerability and the dangers and also the damage it has caused and it can cause if not addressed. This is done by a set of appointed board members to analyze it for a time and make a decision on the outcome and the necessary measures to solve such a crisis. This process is often somehow expensive as it includes payments to those appointed to analyze within that short period. The steps of this process are often costly and expensive as they include vital decisions that need careful analyzation before coming up with a decision (Collyns & Kincaid, 2003). Management of crisis is often a slow process as it includes analyzing the extent of the crisis, and the damage caused, the effect it would cause if not collected and the way to solve

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Depends Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Depends - Research Paper Example In 1949, Rich DeVos and Jay Andel became distributors and in 1958, they began to teach others on how to build their own businesses as network marketers to fulfill their dreams. They then broadened their product line and set up a company called American Way Association, which later came to be known as Amway. Before the end of 20th century, more than 3three million people in over eighty countries belonged to the Amway network (Ziglar & Hayes, 2001, pg 56). Network marketing is a network of people who have access to a range of products that are distributed through that network. The people can buy these products for personal use or sell them to others, thereby expanding the network by inviting others to join the network and over time, the volume of goods being distributed increase. Along the way, a portion of the profits on these products are paid to distributors, the down-line gives regular income in reality. The industry has experienced an image problem in the past because there were not systems and professional codes of conduct, and some operators used pyramid selling disguised as network marketing ((Griffiths, et al , 2008, Pg 1). Network marketing is emerging over the world as a viable and credible method of reaching buyers, which is cost effective as compared to the traditional retailing methods. Today almost everything in the world can be sold through network marketing including health supplements (Christen et al, 2007, pg 2). The emergence of internet has made it possible for network marketing to emerge as the mainstream marketing. The industry is becoming mature with professional marketing. It is an excellent way of entering into business enabling each person to enjoy fruits of their labor and solid passive income stream and residual income. Previously people viewed it as a side job that gives extra income, but now it gives opportunity to establish a business that will continue to be the main source of income. The industry is emerging as one

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing plan for topps tiles for 2009 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing plan for topps tiles for 2009 - Essay Example The additional spending it had made on a national level TV advertisement campaign coupled with the inflationary trends have resulted in the increased gross expenditure of 43 percent of the total revenue, while it was only 41 percent the last year. On the basic earning reported per share, the results showed a reduction of about 16.5 percent (Topps tile , 2007). But initiatives are being taken to position Topps tiles as the most favoured brand through different customer relationships initiatives, advertisements and also variety of social outreach programmes. The marketing plan for the Topp tiles have been prepared after a very careful analysis of current market position and anticipated growth for the current year. The plans would include all the possible stakeholders in the business of tiles. They are the customers, builders association in UK and also other business players targeting similar set of customer needs. The primary approach is to create a wide range of product choices that would make the customer with excellent choices and hence the purchase could be completed for the choice expected by them. The broad distribution of buyers are shown in the figure 1. Innovative strategies are adopted for the effective marketing of Topp tiles across U K and Holland. The emphasis would be on strengthening the existing customer base at the current sales locations and hence concentrate more to stabilize the leadership position in the tile segment. In one of the important plans proposed, the effort is given to motivate a buyer to have more purchases in the period even though the market studies have shown the prevailing tendency among the customers as to reduce the buying choices to the most minimum levels. Hence, it is to be planned that every prospective customer need to be motivated to have a higher volume of choices, which could

Principles of business law two questions in an assignment Essay

Principles of business law two questions in an assignment - Essay Example She later refused to pay back this sum of money to Peter. Can he sue her Would it make any difference to your answer if, instead of borrowing this sum of money to go for a boat cruise, she had actually borrowed this sum of money to go for a study tour of China organized by her school In answering these questions, the major source of support was Article 2 of the US Uniform Commercial Code, which broadly covers the law governing sales contracts. Meanwhile the examples of cases cited were taken from English cases. Q1. According to section 2-205 of the US Uniform Commercial Code, in every sales contract, there must be an object on offer, an offer made, an acceptance made, and an exchange. The person making the offer is called the offeror and the person making the acceptance is called the offeree. Even if the offeree has made up his mind to a final acceptance, the agreement is not yet complete. There must be an external manifestation of his assent. This can be some word spoken or act done by the offeree or by his authorised agent, which a court of law can regard as the communication of the acceptance to the offeror. What constitutes communication varies with the nature of the case and has provoked many difficult problems. a) The first scenario mak... What constitutes communication varies with the nature of the case and has provoked many difficult problems. a) The first scenario makes a lot of difference in the interpretation and analysis of the case. Going by the facts of the case, Jane's acceptance was sent within a reasonable time, such that even though Andrew received the letter 'late', the court could still deem the contract enforceable. This view has support from section 2-207(1) of the Uniform Commercial Code, which states that 'A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance' Jane could rightly evoke the provisions of this article to rightfully sue Andrew for a breach of contract. Carrying out the stipulated task is enough to constitute acceptance of the offer. However, by making an underpayment for the postage stamp, Jane indirectly failed to communicate to Andrew her acceptance of the offer. This was contrary to the general rule that an acceptance must be communicated to the offeror. The case of Jane and Andrew is typical of one where the postal rule can not be applied because the letter of acceptance was not properly posted (Simpson, 1987). As an academic problem, the postal rule in the work of Wald & Williston (1906) could be evoked to give three possible answers to this scenario in the following light: an offer made through the post might be regarded as accepted in the eyes of the law: i) as soon as the letter of acceptance is put into the post; or ii) when the letter of acceptance is delivered to the offeror's address; or iii) when the letter of acceptance is

Monday, July 22, 2019

From A Basement on the Hill and School Life Essay Example for Free

From A Basement on the Hill and School Life Essay Farewell speech 1:- In this farewell speech I am not saying goodbye to the five years I have spent here, for in every facet of school life we have left a mark and each experience can return upon reflection These experiences compose the pages of our book of life. Tonight we, the authors of this book, are writing again. This graduation experience will become a part of it. If you re-read it some day, it will tell you of success. A success of symbolizing years of patience and encouragement on the part of our parents who have raised us, given us guidance in our quest for happiness and success; teachers who have helped us over this step in school life; our friends who are an essential part of your life. To the students in the auditorium now, I say this. Live your life to the fullest and get every ounce of worth out of it. High school life will now open new doors for you. You will meet new friends and learn to get along with people, to give and to take. You will belong to athletic teams and will learn sportsmanship, learn acceptance of victory and defeat. Scholastically, more demands will be made of you. You will learn to take responsibility. Make your years at high school full in every respect. You will never live these years again and there is so much to do. Prepare yourself now for the job to come or university life. Because there is more to learn, more people to meet, more demands. So very much is up to you. Dont be discouraged by failure or disappointment. Failure is a challenge which we must all pick up and fight openly. In overcoming it, we add excitement and suspense to our story. By learning everything I can from this world and its people, by doing everything I can for this world and its people, in years to come I may find the answers, the strength, whatever I see, when I reread what I have writtenwhat you have helped me to write. Tonight I believe that I have stated my preface, the reason for writing my book. If I have fulfilled my purpose, then I have said something that will merit some attention in the book you are writing The words of a song: The web of time entangles and enslaves Enjoy the world. Enjoy it while you may. Each moment that your heart is beating Time is passing, Time is fleeting Live your life. Live it every day. Farewell speech 2:- Farewell 98 Beware, Its a Wide World Respected Principal Sir, Vice-Principal Sir, Teachers, and all my dear friends, including those who are graciously bunking. I looked around for farewell speeches but I couldnt find any worthwhile so I wrote this myself which is why this wont take long. We are gathered here, as most of us probably know, not only for the kachoris, but to bid a fond farewell to the students of Class XII who are leaving the esteemed establishment of the Kendriya VidyalayaSangathan, and venturing out into the real world. We dont know what truths they will find out there, what experiences they will have and we can only shower them with our best wishes and words of encouragement. Im not too good with words so I thought Id make my message clearer with a few lines from a Maxi Priest song. I think it goes somewhat like this But if you want to leave, Take good care. Hope you find a lot of nice friends out there. Just remember theres a lot of bad. Beware. Its a wide world. But most of us wont have a problem there because weve spent a lot of our years in KV, where along with the regular by the book education we are imparted with values. All through your school life you have probably been wondering what exactly the teachers were prattling on about but now that its time for you to leave your sheltered life and go out into the real world, now, you will realise the value of those words that our teachers painstakingly drone into us. And these moments of emotion will be the last that youll be spending in the shelter of our school. Within a month youd have left the shelter of your cocooned school lives and all you ugly caterpillars will flutter off in various directions as beautiful butterflies into a world where you know not what awaits you. But through your lives youll always remember your days here, fondly I hope. And within those memories of friends, teachers and the muddle of pleasant and unpleasant experiences may you remember the lessons that this school and its dedicated staff of teachers have taught. And may those lessons guide you on your paths to realise the dreams youve set out to make true. Because no matter what you do, no matter where you go, all through your lives youll only be richer with the experiences and knowledge that youve gathered in your schooling lives. Id just like to sign off with a line from a Bob Dylan number that really contain the essence of what Ive been trying to say here. Goodbye is too good a word, so Ill just say fare-thee-well.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Violence and its types and history

Violence and its types and history Violence is the expression of physical or verbal force against self or other, compelling action against ones will on pain of being hurt. The word violence covers a broad spectrum. It can vary from a physical altercation between two beings, where a slight injury may be the outcome, to war and genocide, where millions may die as a result.[1] [2] In terms of our everyday lives, violence has become an important aspect of the way the events around us take place The global violence of war and militarism is intimately linked with the violence people experience in their personal daily lives. Violence becomes normalised when we constantly receive information from the media about crimes and atrocities which happen around the world.[3] The violence against women at the domestic front and in other forms is another worrying influence of violence on the society. Mostly in the poor strata of the society this aspect of domestic violence has been very prevalent. Violence among the youth has been another major concern in the recent past. Official crime statistics reveal high rates of offense among young people. These offenses include rape, assault, and theft. About 34 percent of all offenders arrested for criminal offenses in 2006 were under the age of twenty-one (Federal Bureau of Investigations 2007b). People exposed to violence from a young age become highly sensitive to violence and might even resort to such ways later in life. Religious and political conflicts have also often resulted in violence leading to the biggest riots causing large scale harm to the society and taking many lives in the process. There have been various such incidents like the partition riots, the Godhra riots and the likes in India and the likes of anti-Semitic riots of Frankfurt, ancient blood libel against Jews etc on the international stage. Hence violence is something that breeds throughout the society in various garbs acting as a serious threat to a peaceful existence of mankind, be it on a personal level or on a larger international level. Throughout history, most religions and individuals like Mahatma Gandhi have preached that humans are capable of eliminating individual violence and organizing societies through purely nonviolent means. Gandhi himself once wrote: A society organized and run on the basis of complete non-violence would be the purest anarchy. This clearly shows that violence has always been a major concern since historic times and continues to be one in todays world. Conceptual Framework Violence is a broad term that can be defined in different ways depending on the perception of the individual and the context. Some widely accepted definitions of violence can be summarized. The problem of violence as defined in the World report on violence and health (WRVH)[4] is: the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation. It[4] further divides the general definition of violence into three sub-types according to the victim-perpetrator relationship. Self-directed violence refers to violence in which the perpetrator and the victim are the same individual and is subdivided into self-abuse and suicide. Interpersonal violence refers to violence between individuals, and is subdivided into family and intimate partner violence and community violence. The former category includes child maltreatment; intimate partner violence; and elder abuse, while the latter is broken down into acquaintance and stranger violence and includes youth violence; assault by strangers; violence related to property crimes; and violence in workplaces and other institutions. Collective violence refers to violence committed by larger groups of individuals and can be subdivided into social, political and economic violence. Hence the above definition of the concept of violence and its implications on the individual/group or the whole society encircles all the various effects that violence may have on the society in any form of it. Review of Literature There have been works of literature discussing the behaviour of violence and its implications. These works are mostly in the forms of articles and books on violence. The major works that need a mention in this regard would be: 1. A History of Violence[5] by Steven Pinker This is an essay/article in which the author Steven Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, talks about how the current era is probably the most peaceful moment of our species time on earth. Although this seems to be a hard-to-accept fact, but Pinker talks about violence in mans history and compares it to today and systematically shows how violence was prevalent to the extent of being even a source of entertainment in those times. 2. Two Concepts of Violence by Vittorio Bufacchi [6]The aim of this review article is to explore some theoretical issues regarding the nature and scope of violence. There are two ways of thinking about violence: in terms of an act of force, or in terms of a violation. Those who define violence as an intentional act of excessive or destructive force endorse a narrow conception of violence (the Minimalist Conception of Violence or MCV), while those who see violence in terms of a violation of rights champion a broader conception of violence (the Comprehensive Conception of Violence or CCV). The strengths and weaknesses of both approaches will be assessed. 3. Critique of Violence by Walter Benjamin This is a critique written by Walter Benjamin in which he criticizes the behaviour of violence and talks about how violence is not acceptable in any form and cannot be justified with any possible explanation. Empirical Study And Generalization Case 1: Case Description: A minor road accident takes place between an autorikshaw and a maruti 800 car. The driver of the autorikshaw (subject 1) is a 45 year old man. The driver of the Maruti car (subject 2) is a 20 year old college student. The autorikshaw driver is forced to apply brakes because of stray cattle ahead and the maruti 800 behind is unable to react soon enough and hits the autorikshaw which causes a minor damage to both the autorickshaw and the car. Because of it being a minor accident, subject 1 keeps driving considering the moving traffic on the road but subject 2 keeps following him and eventually makes him stop. Subject 2 starts arguing with subject 1 rudely. Subject 1 tries to explain the unavoidability of the accident calmly but the youth i.e. subject 2 pushes him. Subject 1 still tries to reason out but subject 2 slaps subject 1 and uses physical force. At this stage subject 1 has to defend himself and hence hits subject 2 back which results in subject 2 getting overpowered and falling down. This brawl catches attention of the people in the vicinity. After sometime a group of labourers working on the construction of a flyover nearby come and inquire the matter from subject 1. Soon they start threatening subject 2 to either compensate subject 1 or leave the scene peacefully. When subject 2 refuses to fulfil any of their demands and asks for compensation for himself instead, the labourers attack him physically. After many attempts from subject 1s side to peace out the situation and pleading from subject 2 the labourers finally stop. Subject 1 then calmly lends subject 2 a hand and advises him to control his rage and violent instincts and then makes a compromise on the sharing of expenses of damage. Role of Violence in the Case: As is apparent, subject 2 was more violent and cannot control his rage initially and resorts to violence to solve a problem or a situation. The use of violence led to worsening of the situation and resulted in the older and wiser subject 1 also using violence to tackle the means used by subject 2. Not only did it cause harm to subject 1 but also to subject 2. The situation worsened when the spectators also got involved in the fight even though the method they used to resolve everything was contemptible and uncivic. Hence violence led to a chain of events leading to more violence and harm or damage to people/society. Also violence originally used as a means to solve the problem further worsened the situation instead of improving it. Case 2: 4 high school students meet at one of the students place to play a video game which they are addicted to and on which they spend plenty of time daily. They divide themselves into two teams and start playing. The game basically resembles a war scene where the players are supposed to gun down their opponents to proceed further. Team A(consisting of subject 1 and subject 2) is leading Team 2(consisting of subject 3 and subject 4). After sometime subject 3 starts getting frustrated and blames subject 4 for their poor performance. Subject 4 gets offended and shouts back on subject 3 denying his blame. Meanwhile subject 1 and 2 already quite ahead in the game mock their opponents and take pleasure in their argument. Verbal abusing converts to a physical fight when subject 4 hits subject 3s head with the video game remote. Subject 3, physically and egotistically hurt, picks up a cricket bat in his sight and begins bashing subject 4 uncontrollably. Subject 1 and 2 try to stop him but subject 3 pushes them away. After a few minutes, subject 1s father arrives and gains control of the whole situation. Subject 4 is rushed to the nearby hospital. Doctors sadly announce that he has lost his left ears hearing power due to repeated blows near the ear. Role of Violence- As it is clearly seen this is an example of teenage violence. Prevalent in urban India today, such incidents are said to arise because of highly aggressive nature of todays adolescents who lose control over their tolerance and sensibility once someone hurts their ego. Also it is noteworthy to mention the role of video games containing any sort of violent actions in deteriorating the psychology of teenagers who have started taking pride and pleasure in using violence to resolve any matter rather than discussing or ignoring it. Violence proved to be nearly fatal here, though the victim was saved his life would never be the same. Also, subject 3 would live a life of shame and guilt owing to his one juvenile action. Findings of the Study and Generalization As it can be deduced from the above mentioned examples, violence can be circumstantial, politically driven or can arise from the way a persons mind has been moulded. Usually road rage and petty issues that are blown out of proportion are examples of circumstantial violence incidents. A persons loss of control over his anger or frustration has severe consequences. This can also be associated with the increasing stress levels of the working class especially in big cities who tend to lose their patience and tolerance easily owing to mental stress and hypertension. On the domestic front it is often observed that actions performed by adults are replicated by their children. If a boy has seen his father hitting his mother, his siblings or has experienced it himself he is likely to have a similar demeanour in his future. As childrens minds are tender and sensitive, they tend to get influenced easily. Intolerance and violence occurring due religious and caste divide is mostly politically driven to fill a candidates vote banks. People who supposedly fight to protect their religion often forget that no religion teaches violence. Teenage violence is evidently linked to teenagers lifestyles, the type of T.V. programs and online games they are subject to, the kind of places they visit and the people they meet during their re-creation time and the type of living their parents exemplify for them.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Visitor Management Plan For Central London Tourism Essay

A Visitor Management Plan For Central London Tourism Essay There is no doubt about the fact that London is kind of home for many tourist. Though London as a whole has attracted many tourists internationally, yet the importance of Central London in this matter is very specific. Museums and parks and entertainment horizons of Central London had always been the centre of Attraction for many European and International tourists. The civilisations attached to London and the popular cultures being a part of it make it the most conformable place and an obvious choice to visit, for many tourists. The underlying principle for this project is to derive a Visitor Management Plan for the Central London. The approach is to look into all those perspectives and the arrangements of all kinds of assistance in order to offer the visitors with right kinds of exposure to the areas of Central London. The paper has been designed to grasp and to offer appropriate guidelines and necessary tips for managing with a pleasurable and a very relaxing way of dealing with t he tourism sector of this place. This is an initiation led from the perspective of local tourism management organisations in order to understand the developmental and the systematic strategic plans for offering the area of Central London with the best possible tourism options and to attract visitors here for the betterment of tourism sector in London as a whole. Outline and Analysis of Central London Tourism The British Museum and the British Library in the Central London holds many aspects of literary exposures. These are the places that are most visited by the tourist to see and explore the original manuscripts of classics like the notebook of Jane Austen, Alice in Wonderland, Charlotte Brontes manuscript of Jane Eyre added by the proof all those places that are being explored, dominated and eventually conquered by the British Empire. The British Museum and the British Library are the most renowned and very authentic place that most of the international visitors tries to visit, in order to see things that made history. Central London is very popular for other museums like Victoria and Albert Museum in the area of Kensington. This is the worlds largest museum that holds decorative design and arts, with an abundant collection of 4.5 million objects. The speciality of these museums are integral to the collection of things that are very much close to the cultures of North America, Europe, North Africa and Asia. The best parts of these valuable sites are that they are all free of cost and visitors can make an entry very obviously. This is definitely is a very right kind of approach and as such more and more people are attracted towards it. Keeping the options free to tourists for these cultural and historical assets is a very strong approach and as such can be declared as a strong strategic plan in attaining worldwide popularity. However, minimal charges for these areas can be considered and that should be so minimal that people from any country can afford it. This is a plan that will keep a track of the number of visitor ¿Ã‚ ½s to these places added by some chance to earn a minimal amount for the maintenance of these places. The historical and cultural part of Central London is also comprised of places like Buckingham Palace. It has been estimated that an average of 15 million tourists come to Central London to see this Royal palace every year. In summer season, th e visitors are even allowed to see some rooms of this palace and that is a real treat to them. Visits to Tower of London holding Crown Jewels of England is also very popular and visitors throng here to have the eternal glance of it. Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, London Eye, Covent Garden, Natural History Museum, London Zoo, Globe Theatre, Madame Tussauds and Charles Dickens Museum are some additional must visits for the tourists to Central London. Apart from all these locations, most of the people prefer to visit Central London for its wonderful parks and to wander along. Most of these parks are counted with Regents Park, Holland Park and Corams Fields. The preferences are all about having grass for walk, ball games and picnicking. Though some of the Royal parks are closed at nights and are very much guided by the police, yet the preferences for these places are very obvious and incredible among the tourists. Provisions for skating are made possible in Kensington Gardens along wit h Serpentine Road in Hyde Park. This is a very important provisions that have attracted many tourists and the same applications should be made possible in most of the other parks too. It is necessary to consider that people definitely come to Central London for relaxation, fun and to enjoy their holidays, and thus it s becomes the responsibility of the tourism industry in London to offer people with adequate amount of almost everything. Visitors ¿Ã‚ ½ Bases and Statistics According to Hard, R. (2010) there is a clear declaration about the visitor ¿Ã‚ ½s bases and the statistics to Central London. As per this declaration the total Central London visitors in the year 2007 has been estimated as 25.2 million added by 6.2 million of business visitors. The total leisure and other visitors to Central London has been declared as 11.55 million and 1,353 Central London Hotels were been occupied. The average room occupancy has been calculated as 82.2%. as for the declarations made by the Press Association (2007) over the developmental structure of tourism in Central London, they are pretty sure of its expansion by the year 2012. The most visited places as of now are the museums, theatres and the parks. Yet the expansion as declared by Press association will be inclusive of the Olympic game propaganda that will overcrowd the place for all possible reasons. The following diagram forwarded by Office of National Statistics (2010), will illustrate the occupancy of visitors to Central London more clearly- Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1. Visits to and from UK Source: Office of National Statistics 2010 As shown in the figure from 2008 onwards there is an extremely rise in the amount of visitors to UK, specifically to Central London then people going out from UK or the Central London in particular. As per the three-month trends that have been seasonally adjusted, the assessments are very clear and practically strong in favour of tourism in UK and Central London in particular. In the month of August, 2010 to the month of October, 2010, the estimations led by Office of National Statistics (2010), the number of visitors who visited Central London from overseas was up to 7.5 million. This was an estimation that actually attained a fall of  ¿Ã‚ ½4.2 billion. The rise of people going out of UK has deteriorated from the total amount of people that are getting into the state as tourists. As this assessment gets wider perspective of 12 months during the total number of visits by overseas residents to various places of UK making Central London as the core place attained a rate of 29.6 milli on which is again considered as unsatisfactory. The estimation of visits to the UK by people from various countries has been declared as following- Residents from Europe covered a space of 22.0 million Residents from North America got reduced from 3.5 million to 3.3 million, and Residents from other parts of the world offered an increase of 2 per cent and that attained a rise of 4.3 million It can be well attached that visits to UK, especially Central London has definitely got enormous increase, yet this is an increase that is exclusive of European and North Americans. The rise has been much supported by other countries of the world. Stakeholder Analysis The basic stakeholders who are very important in the process of developing the tourism sector in Central London are identified as National Governing Bodies, Coaching Development and Newham Water Sports Group. These are the associations that are concentrating in adding activities and thematic persuasion to the tourism sector of Central London. The core concerns are predominated by adding entertainment and adequate amount of sports and adventures to all those tourists who wants to be a part of it. The persuasions are also handled to organise diversified tourists ¿Ã‚ ½ interests in different ways. The activities and the sight seeing activities are made better and very much supported by technological and other electronic modes, so that visitors get al kinds of conform and luxury during their travel. As declared by Mayor of Central London in London Gov. UK. (2005), there is the need to improve the IT and the sectors of sophistications in Central London so that it can offer the tourists with all the information that hey want and that too within no time. The demands were led over the application of Sub Regional Development Framework (SRDF) for Central London. The chief objective of this framework has been declared by the Mayor of Central London as- Central London is one of the worlds great places. Londoners and visitors identify with the unique mix of business, culture, entertainment and heritage found at the heart of London. It is a place that contains areas of considerable wealth alongside concentrations of deprivation. This SRDF strikes a balance between the needs of central London ¿Ã‚ ½s residents, workers and visitors as well as reflecting its status as a centre of global business and culture. The approaches are very practical and it is noteworthy that the contributions of the stakeholders, especially that of National Governing Bodies, Coaching Development and Newham Water Sports Group are very predominating. The concentrations are led over the persuasion of regulatory functions. Various examples in this context can be identified in terms of disciplinary action for rule infractions and over the matters of deciding rule changes in various sports that they govern. Governing bodies are structured and restructured in different scopes. The coverage is inclusive of international level, as for instance International Olympic Committee or the national level sports like Rugby Football League. The entire formulations are to promote various sports activities so that the area of Central London can acquire more attentions from the tourists. As these sports get conducted they turn up to be the sources for generating and encouraging more and more tourists to Central London. Pestle and SWO T Application of Pestle and SWOT analysis in this aspect clarifies all those domains that need special attention and cooperation for the overall development of Central London Tourism in the upcoming years. As the concept of tourism in Central London gets analysed under PESTLE, the basic field of analysis are Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors. From political point of view, there is much support led by the governance in developing Central London tourism. The support from local and central governments are very strong in this matter. Economic growth of Central London can be well marked by the increase in the hotel tariffs in last few years. Radical growth in the eurozone economy has been marked. An estimation of  ¿Ã‚ ½15billion each year is definitely is a great hype and this has been much supported by the tourism sector (Rodr ¿Ã‚ ½guez-Pose and Kr ¿Ã‚ ½ijer, 2009). The social dominance too has been much affected by the increase of tourists in Central London. The aspects are very much related to mixing of diversified cultures on the same trend and the sellers too get involved in offering customer-oriented products. As a result there is a kind of intermingleness among various social set ups of Central London that are getting different from the original trends, yet are much acclaimed internationally. Additions of upgrade technological supports in promoting in getting visitors from all over the world are very well generated through Online marketing provisions. It is through online deals that most of the tourists are welcomed and are offered best of the services. The support led by customer care and other scopes are all dominated by upgrade communicative support led by technologies. Against all these facilities the legal peripheries in the activities of Central London are getting stricter. Administration and legislatures are all involved in offering the state with more safe and peaceful legal support. The purpose is to pre vent Central London getting affected by risky outsiders and offering the tourists with the sense of security and safeguards n enjoying their holidays. However, when it comes to the issue of Environment, there is of course a tassel regarding the understanding of pollution and concerns related to the maintenance of good environmental condition n Central London. As declared in the News of European Space Agency (2010) YourAir service has made a prediction about the levels of pollutants that are actually increasing due to the excessive exposure of nitrogen dioxide, added by ozone and airborne particles. It has been further declared that necessary control to this is important as it might lead to diseases like, asthma, heart and lung problems. The role of tourism in creating these pollutants is definitely considered as a major factor. As there is an increase in the tourism sector more and more people gets into the town and as such the environmental balance gets distracted. As per the SWOT that is Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis Strengths Weaknesses The most predominated strength of the Central London tourism is its systematic and strategic persuasion of tourism structure. It is a very experience market in tourism and thus has attained enough success internationally on obvious terms The weakness of Central London tourism lies in the massive expansion of all kinds of business in a small demographical area. There is a huge demand for resources and manpower that is yet to meet by Central London tourism sector Opportunities Threats When it comes to opportunities, the tourism sector of Central London attains enough support from almost all kinds of segments. As it is a highly sophisticated region, it can afford all kinds of developmental and the best of the provisions for the tourist on worldwide basis. As the entire tourism sector of UK is evolving from Central London its responsibility increases and there is a regular demand of competitiveness and excellence led on it. The other areas too are creating enough competition to the Central London tourism and the threats of competitions are getting higher every year. Development of Objectives The developmental objectives of Central London tourism needs to be focussed on short, medium and longer term basis. It is important to note that the functionalities of Central London tourism must follow enough scope of development and economic growth for the country and needs to generate equal emphasis over the resources and the concerns of dealing with natural and human resources. The entire Central London tourism sector need more appropriate synchronisation to make its string enough against the increasing levels of competitions. Every promotional programme can be introduced as per the interests of the tourists and the same can be extended from a smaller zone to larger perspectives. To meet short, medium and longer terms of development, it is necessary for Central London tourism needs to get focus on higher density of building environment added by higher land values, excessive elevation in the daytime population and above all severe concentration over issues like regional and religi ous sentiments. Increasing levels of competitions authorised nationally and internationally should be well handled with a perception to meet the competitive gap with appropriate dominance. The specific developmental objectives can be noted as- Increasing scopes for employment Maintenance of environmental insecurities Implementing situation oriented strategies to the tourism sector Meeting demands of the upcoming markets Offering support to the preservation of resources Dealing with issues that can create political, social or legal chaos Financial planning against the increased value in every aspect Apart from all these, Central London tourism must have right kinds of audit and inspections for offering the entire region with adequate amount of security and systematic developmental proceedings for the maintenance of a good tourism oriented business. Financial support from the stakeholders and the support for exclusive management planning are very important to offer small, medium and longer sustainability to the Central London tourism industry. The demand for apt plan to meet international competition is the core demand in the current hors. Detailed Strategies and Tactics The strategic planning for offering Central London tourism industry with long terms sustainability and short and medium term profitability, there is the need for dealing with the current market trends and demands of the customers. There are some rigid categories that need to be well planned in order to attain proficiency levels in the Central London tourism sector. Application of 4Ps It is through the adoption of marketing mix that the Central London tourism can attain adequate amount of international tourism structure. This is a kind of structure that has been designed with an amalgamated formulation of 4Ps and 4Cs in the process of managing international tourism and the levels of competitiveness created by it. To attain effective results under 4Ps it is necessary for Central London tourism to use all the products and resources as per the detected demands of the market and the related cultural and social backgrounds. By means of 4Ps emphasis need to be led over the determination of Product, Price, Place and Promotion of the tourism perspectives in Central London (Banting and Ross, 1973). In a way everything that is considered as product for the tourist must be customised as per the specific customer. This also needs to be evaluated as per the affordability and the cost of preparation of the product. The design is very strict in terms of the specific places where it will be made available followed by right kind of promotional tools. In terms of promotions the instruments like banners, media to internet needs to be used exclusively so that every individual attains its brand and create the trust to try it. The formulation of 4Ps under marketing mix further needs to get extended by specific importance over People and Process. In this respect the Central London tourism need to laid emphasis over the tourists who are coming from developing countries (McCarthy, 1975). As declared above there is a radical rise in the tourists from developing countries, thus the extended implication of strategic planning must consider the extended People and Process concerns. In most cases it has been found that the tourism sector of Central London hardly offers importance to people from third world. There is a kind of block that sustain in them and that needs to get overcome. Giving importance to the tourists, irrespective of their origin needs to be inclusive in the developmental structure of Central London tourism. Application of 4Cs Implication of Commodity, Cost, Channel and Communication is considered as the root for sustainable success, especially for tourism these tools become mandatory (Koichi 2003 and 2009). Commodity in this case is all about the entire tourism industry of Central London that needs to specify its places like museums and parks as per the preferences or conveniences of the market, here tourists. According to Schullz, Tannenbaum and Lauterborn, (1993) the expenditure and the tour packages are what the Central London tourism sector need to consider as per the rate of currencies of all those countries that are joining in its tourism market. In this case special emphasis needs to be offered over the determination and the specification of monetary standards that prevails in the developing countries. Specialised and customised packages should be made to suit the customers from Asian and the African countries. As these people are participating more in visiting Central London, their conveniences sh ould be considered as per their budget and currency values. The channels that need to be considered are the media that will expose the Central London tourism to the world. In many first world countries internet definitely is the strongest media. However, in the developing countries the demands of the traditional modes of publicity; like television, radio and print media are still very effective. Keeping these conditions under considerations, the Central London tourism needs to explore these domains to reach to the people in the most positive manner. The discriminatory attitudes or the laid back considerations are actually never suggested for a sustainable growth. Restricting the publication and scopes of media by Central London tourism can limit its expansion and thus is very much suggested to consider all kinds of channels to reach the target customers. The ways of communication in the developing and the developed countries are very common. This is the most convenient mode of commu nication and has been established by the social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. As against the traditional modes of communication the international communicative exchanges are more comfortably adopted through internet and Central London tourism need to apply the same for the tourists from both developed and developing countries. Determination of content will differ though; the basic approach needs to remain the same. Promotions through social networking sites and emails will also gain adequate response in the developing countries, built at the same time for wider publicity; it is important and necessary to add the traditional media too. Recruitment and Professional Training The entire Central London tourism needs to get reformed and restructured as per the demands of the customers. There is the need for applying absolute customer-oriented business modules so that the business of tourism can grow in all directions. Central London tourism need to employ more and more professional people and added to these recruitment proceedings there is the need for appropriate kind of marketing training to them so that they can deal with different demographical populations and cultures. The process of recruitment should be very strong and apt training in accordance to the target customer should be arranged. As for instance, communications with the customer for taking visits to Central London tourism can either be outsourced or can be initiated by local marketing agents to get right kinds of responses and persuasions. As more and more people will be approached in their language and as per their communication cultures, the response too will get positive and Central London tourism will expand in its marketing venture in getting more and more tourists. Conclusions Eventually, it can be considered that the tourism sector of London is definitely in good shape, yet is equally much threatened by the lack of resources and the increasing competitions on international front. As this plan gets approach there are many things that needs same specialised attentions and these need to get generated to offer support for long term sustainability of the entire sector. Hopes are very much positive with the persuasion of London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Yet the systematic planning and making space for all kinds of visitors is a great challenge to Central London tourism. There is no denial to the fact that the Central London tourism has been recognised as the best tourism sector that is traditionally, socially and economically has been much acclaimed. From financial point of view, there is definitely no chance of running out of budget, yet possibilities of getting overspent with extreme misuse of financial assts can definitely take place. The entire Cen tral London tourism is in severe need of expert financial consultants and people who can really mange Central London tourism n reference to diversified kinds of people who are getting into the market. The limitations that can be noted in the implication of the advised plan can be pointed out as following- Lack of adequate manpower Increasing risks of environmental pollution Deficiency in making arrangements for huge mass of people Need to compromise demographical expansion Unable to offer adequate international exposure in the developing countries. Against all these limitations, it becomes very mandatory for the Central London tourism to offer specialists in the financial and the management sectors so that regulations and related implications get enough support for each other. There is the severe demand to balance between the amounts earned and to regenerate in long term basis. Negligence in this aspect can result in successive failures and the entire Central London tourism can get trapped by the pressure of international competitiveness.

Ford Motor Company: The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex :: American America History

Ford Motor Company: The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex The first piece of material I gathered was a picture via the internet. This picture is of the River Rouge assembly plant in Dearborn, Michigan. This picture shows the manufacturing of the fender for a Ford Motor Company product. It also shows the facilities of the Rouge plant and how the plant itself was state of the art. This plant was the largest of its kind at the time of its construction. The Ford Motor Company at the time was one of the leaders in labor relations. This picture shows the size of the plant as well as the working conditions in the facility. When viewing the photograph you can see the array of pipes and collection devices to aid in the circulation of air and the collection of dust and other by products made in the plant. The next component I found is another picture of the interior of the Rouge plant. This picture is one of many conveyer belts in the plant. This belt is moving engine parts from the engine assembly to the final assembly. Henry Ford was a pioneer in the use of the assembly line in the automobile industry, and the Rouge plant was the ultimate in that use of the assembly line. This photo shows the depth of the plant, being able to manufacture all components of the cars without having to ship parts to or from other locations in the country. The next collection of photographs is of the exterior of the Rouge plant. These photos were obtained from the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. These pictures are of the Rouge during the switch of all production, from the Highland Park plant, to the Rouge. It was also the time that the Model A was beginning production. This collection shows examples of four exterior views of the plant, allude to the many different factories within the Rouge plant. The Rouge was a steel mill, a foundry, a power producer and, an assembly line. This all encompassing idea helped ford relegate all aspects of the production of their product. Along with the exterior, the interior showed the extent of the all encompassing Rouge plant. The interior photographs, which were also care of the Henry Ford Museum, show more factories within the factory. For example, the four photos in this collection display metal forming, and metallurgical operations. These pictures included forging, the blast furnaces, removal of slag and, even salvaging scrap from metal ships. The interior had two collections to view and the second reaffirmed what the

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sir Gawain and Green Knight Essays: Triumph or Failure? :: Sir Gawain Green Knight Essays

Sir Gawain: Triumph or Failure? Sir Gawain is presented as a noble knight who is the epitome of chivalry; he is loyal, honest and above all, courteous. He is the perfect knight; he is so recognised by the various characters in the story and, for all his modesty, implicitly in his view of himself. To the others his greatest qualities are his knightly courtesy and his success in battle. To Gawain these are important, but he seems to set an even higher value on his courage and integrity, the two central pillars of his manhood. The story is concerned with the conflict between his conception of himself and the reality. When Arthur's court was challenged by the Green Knight, Gawain alone offered to take the cup from Arthur's hands. He showed pride and courage greater than all - by coming forward. The poem is filled with opportunities in which Gawain inevitably was forced to face difficult decisions. During his travels he had every opportunity to turn around, especially when the rain and cold and desolation became fierce. Gawain, however, continued on his way. Three times did the lady tempt him and twice he managed to neither offend her with discourteousness nor accept her amorous advances and defile his chastity. "In destinies sad or merry, True men can but try." Tests and decisions are as numerous in any man's life as are the beats of his heart. The consequences follow him forever - he is judged by them and they affect his entire existence. However, judgement should not be passed on a man's single decisions individually, but only by observing how he has chosen to live his life. The circumstances under which each choice has been made should be considered as well. From the start Gawain was facing not only the ruination of his pride, his good name, and his spirit, but also almost certain death. As a result, he learns an essential, inescapable fact about himself and human nature - there is no shame in being imperfect. The true test of Gawain's bravery was to bare his neck to the Green Knight and finish their trading of blows. Even with his 'magic' girdle, Gawain flinched the first time. The second and third times he was able to hold steady and accept fate. After the ordeal the Green Knight ridiculed him for his weakness and fear.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cultural Profile

Cultural Profile Culture is said to be a universal of shared beliefs, values and norms that guide a particular group of people through everyday life. Culture does not only shape and mold a country on a national level but it also molds many businesses within that country as they build their own norms, beliefs and values as it pertains to different aspects of conducting their business in a culture. In order for a business to be successful one must first understand how national and business culture differ and how it relates to work goals and this is addressed by Hofstede’s model of national culture.Hofstede uses five dimensions of basic cultural values. The first one is power distance which refers to what people expect regarding equality among others. The second is uncertainty avoidance which a typical reaction to a certain situation that is seen as dangerous or different. The third dimension is individualism which refers to the relationship in society between an individual and a group. Masculinity, the fourth dimension is what is expected about gender roles and lastly is the long-term orientation which refers to the way people see and value time.I will be making references to the data from Jamaica which is similar to Belize in several ways given that Belize is not in the list of countries in the Hofstede Centre. From the graph, the score for power distance was 45 which means that the Jamaicans are independent and a hierarchy is only for convenience as power is decentralized and managers depend on team members experience and their participation is welcomed in the decision making process of the business. Compared to the United States who had an even lower score of 40 shows that they do not view inequality as something good and they do not support the authoritarian leadership style.For individualism, Jamaica is considered to be a collectivistic society with a score of 39. This means that family, social class, organization and team takes priority over an indiv idual and this is the foundation of long-term commitment to the parties involved which in most cases are extended family and close friends. Compared to the United States who scored a high of 91, this means that they believe that everyone is responsible for themselves and individual’s achievements and good performance is beneficial in gaining rewards in the workplace.This brings out the aggressiveness in Americans. Next was the masculinity score of 68 for Jamaica and 62 for the United States. This shows that both countries are considered as a masculine society with Jamaica a little bit more masculine. This means that men are seen as the dominant and assertive and that we should live to work which is more important than even the family. A masculine society sees success, advancement and money as important factors in one’s life. The fourth dimension was that of the uncertainty avoidance where Jamaica had a low score of only 13.This implies that Jamaicans tend to be go for more flexibility as they allow subordinates to make more on their job choices, they are more relaxed and they encourage less rules and regulations which cause more freedom for subordinates. The United States, even though scored higher than Jamaica, score is still a low 46. Americans is more open to ideas and opinions of others as the allow freedom of expression and they too encourages less rules and regulations. Lastly, was the dimension of low-term orientation where Jamaica has no score so far.The United States however, has a low score of 29 which means that their orientation is short-term and they are use profit and loss statements to measure the performance of a business. They believe that immediate rewards such as higher pay and promotions are necessities in a business. Jamaicans like Americans are seen as a monochronic culture. Some of their traits are that they are committed to their job, they are serious about time commitments and so show great emphasis on being prompt. They have a tendency to do one thing at a time and often times stick to their plans.On the other hand their are polychronic people and they tend to be more committed to human relationships and if possible they achieve their objectives. They tend to do many things at once and it is easy for them to change plans. Polychronic people are mainly from northern and western Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia. Jamaicans are known to be direct and say what they mean which is considered to be a people of low-context language. They are action-oriented and they value logic and facts which they based their decisions on rather than their intuitions. Jamaicans are very explicit in their contracts which often times conclude negotiations.Belizeans and Jamaicans are very close in culture and based on this fact, the data collected was very helpful in determining how I would create a company culture over time. I believe that in order to make both myself and my subordinates comfortable and to get the maxi mum performance their will have to be some compromise. I am a born Belizean so I am very familiar with the culture and is verse with what is expected. Over the years I had changed some of my traits as far as business and so some of the traits that I have adopted from being here in the United States I would definitely want to implement in my business in Belize.Employees would be selected from the Belizean population who will be facilitated with sales training. The senior manager would have to display leadership qualities to as enforce a break away from being so laid back and relaxed. I would use promotions and pay increase as motivational tools for my employees and I do believe that since they are more verse with what is in demand that it is important for me to welcome ideas and suggestions from the employees and allow them to be apart of the decision making of the business. 100 75 50 Jamaica (similar to Belize) 25 United States 0 PDI IDV MAS UAI LTO

Animal Mitochondrial Genome

One of the approximately essential organelles in the creature cellular telephone is the mitochondrion, as it is not only the centre of ATP issue, it besides shake off a phylo cistrontic value that reveals taxonomic relationships among organisms. These atomic number 18 rod-shaped organelles convert atomic number 8 and glucose into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), diversely kn sustain as the chemical nothing currency of the cell that powers the cells metabolic activities. This flesh of airing is termed aerophilic and it supplies energy to around cellular activities.This mode of respiration is more than efficient than in the absence of oxygen as anaerobic respiration brush aside only produce cardinal ATPs, as opposed to the 36-38 ATPs produced by the aerobic mode. This is wherefore blueer life forms be vary to utilize oxygen for their ATP production (Davidson, 2004). Mitochondria atomic number 18 hypothesized by scientist to have evolved from a symbiotic relationsh ip between aerobic bacteria and primordial eukaryotic cells (Wallace, 2005), otherwisewise known as the endosymbiont theory. It answers in cat valium physiological a justes such(prenominal) as metabolism, apoptosis, disease, and aging. creation the primary site where aerobic phosphorylation occurs, these double-membrane organelles argon efficient in aerobic respiration which accepts eukaryotic cells to generate the necessary centre of ATP (Chan, 2006).The mitochondrion maintains its own implant of genes although virtually of its proteins (about 900) argon synthesized within and import from the nuclear genome necessary for its respiratory function (Wallace, 2005).The genome contained by this subcellular organelle separate from the nuclear chromatin is otherwise referred to as the mitochondrial desoxyribonucleic acid (mt deoxyribonucleic acid). Particularly in wildcats, mt deoxyribonucleic acids commonly have a closed- flier molecule, with the exception of certain classes containing elongate mtDNA chromo m anys (Boore, 1998).These extrachromosomal genomes contain 37 genes composed of 13 protein subunits for enzymes coding for oxidative phosphorylation, two ribosomal RNAs of mitochondrial ribosome, and 22 tRNAs for protein translation. Together with proteins and RNAS synthesized in the cytoplasm, products of these 37 genes allow the mitochondrion to possess its own transcription facilitating DNA transcription, translation, mRNA processing and protein translation. This round genome is lie ind of a mixture of covalently closed circular monomers and different amounts of concatenated dimers and higher oligomers (Burger et al., 2002).Genes contained in the living organism mitochondrion are usually encoded on both(prenominal) strands. The H-strand, or the heavy strand, and the L-strand, or the light strand, are these two mentioned strands that embody the genome. Their names are derived from their molecular(a) metric weight unit differences caused b y their varying base typographys. 12 out of the 13 protein coding genes comprise the H-strand date only the single gene left belongs to the L-strand. The genome also contains noncoding expanses which are qualified to certain areas known as the D-Loop (Shadel and Clayton 1997).These two strands, the H-strand and the L-strand, originated within the D-Loop, or the displacement loop, region and within a cluster of tail fin tRNA genes respectively. The entire replication process only commences in the initiation of the H-strand synthesis, while the L-strand lags behind. The L-strand synthesis corporation only fuck off when two-thirds of the H-strand synthesis across the circular genome is already completed. Therefore, only in the intiation of H-strand synthesis cease mtDNA start replicating. Aside from its mentioned function, the D-Loop region is also the location of two transcriptional promoters (HSP and LSP), one for individually strand of mtDNA. Synthesis of polycistronic transc ripts for the expression of the absolute majority or all of the genes encoded in from each one strand are directed by these promoters (Chang and Clayton, 1985).Scientists have speculated that the mitochondria are derived from eubacterial endosymbionts. This is due to the stubbornness of mitochondria their own genetic material (DNA) and their own system for genetic expression. Although mitochondria are contained in species belognoing to different kingdoms, they offer considerable differences and so far reveal phylogenetic relationships and distances.There are feature of speech variations among the three major kingdoms wolfia, Eukaryomycota, and Plantae (including hold outs). Among wolfs, their mitochondrial genome is comparatively small, having an approximate measurement between 16 and 19 kb, and are stuffly ar floatd as they lack introns or spacer regions. fungal mtDNAs are considerably larger that animal mtDNAs. Their size is within the range of 17-176 kb and they encode more gene sequences than those of animals.It eject be observed that the size range is quite vast, reflecting great variations in genome size. This is not due to coding capacities, instead it bath be attributed to the presence of varying sizes of introns and spacer regions. In the case of plants, the genome size range is comfort more variable as it spans 16 to 2400 kb. Its mtDNA is distinctly characterized by a enormous variety of gene content and molecular organize, and the variation of the length of spacer regions and introns (Ohta et al., 1998).One of the most extensively studied group are those of the protists. Their mtDNAs are considered intermediate in size with a measurement range of 6 to 77 kb. Most of protist genomes are compact having little or no non-coding regions. Although present, intergenic spacers are sparse and are generally small, with some coding regions overlapping. There is an general high concentration of Adenine and Thymine that are special(a)ly elevate d in non-coding intergenic regions (Gray et al., 1997).Mitochondrial genome composition in vertebrates predominantly includes a beat set of genes coding for 13 internal mitochondrial membrane proteins for electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation functions. Included genes for this function are nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide1-6 and 4L, cob, cox1-3 and atp6 and 8. Genes for both large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) rRNAs are also contained within the animal mitochondrial genome.The mentioned set of mtDNA-encoded genes (plus atp9) is also found in fungal organisms such as Allomyces macrogynus mtDNAs. However, particular ascomycete fungi such as Schizosaccharomyces pombe lack all nad genes. Both animal and fungal mtDNAs do not encode a 5S rRNA nor, with the exception of rps3 in A. macrogynus mtDNA, do they carry any ribosomal protein genes. Terrestrial plants contain mitochondrial genomes with a a couple of(prenominal) extra respiratory chain protein genes such as na d9 and atp1 in M.polymorpha. But the most distinct variation of the plant mtDNA from the animal and fungal mtDNAs is the presence of both the 5S rRNA (Gray et al., 1997).Animal mtDNA sequences are found to evolve rapidly hitherto they maintain their genetic arrangements for long periods of evolutionary time. A notable example is the monovular arrangement of humans and trouts. Although there are few exceptions, gene arrangements are considered invariable within major taxonomic groups but are variable between them. We can potentially utilize these data comparisons in reconciling phylogenetic conflicts. Greater differences would think divergence among the taxa. Comparisons of mitochondrial gene arrangements have provided convert phylogenies in several cases where all other data were equivocal, including the relationships among major groups of echinoderms and arthropods (Burger et al., 2002).Although studies in mitochondrial genomes of different taxonomic groups are still inconclusi ve, it still holds a large potential in revolutionizing the taxonomic field. It has opened avenue for potential discoveries on the currently unknown areas of biologic sciences. Therefore, mitochondrial genome research studies are yet to drop dead their pinnacle and would surely still be an essential focus of phylogenetic sciences.BibliographyBoore, J.L. (1998) Animal Mitochondrial Genomes. Nucleic Acids Research. 27 (8), 1999, pp.1767-1780.Burger, G., Forget, L., Zhu, Y., Gray, M.W., and Lang, B.F. (2002) Uniquemitochondrial genome architecture in unicellular relatives of animals. PNAS, 100 (3), 04 February, pp. 892-897.Chan, D.C. (2006) Mitochondria Dynamic Organelles in Disease, Aging, and Development.Cell. no. 125, 30 June, pp. 1241-1252.Chang, D. and Clayton, D. (1985) Priming of human mitochondrial DNA replication occursat the light-strand promoter. Biochemistry. Vol. 82, January, pp. 351-355.Davidson, M. (2004) Mitochondria Internet, Florida State University. Available fro mhttp//, M., Lang, B.F., Cedergren, R., Golding, G.B.,Lemieux, Sankoff, C.D., Turmel, M., Brossard, N., Delage, E.,Littlejohn, T.G., Plante, I., Rioux, P., Saint-Louis, D., Zhu, Y. andBurger, G. (1997) Genome structure and gene content in protest mitochondrial DNAs. Nucleic Acids Research. 26 (4), 1998, pp. 865-878.Ohta, N., Sato, N., and Kuroiwa, T. (1998) Structure and Organization fo the MitochondrialGenome of the Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae Deduced from the bump off Nucleotide Sequence. Nucleic Acids Research. 26 (22), 24 September, pp. 5190-5198.Shadel, G. S., and D. A. Clayton. (1997) Mitochondrial DNA maintenance in vertebrates.Annu. revolutions per minute. Biochem. 66409435.Wallace, D.C. (2005). A mitochondrial paradigm of metabolic and degenerative diseases,aging, and pubic louse A dawn for evolutionary medicine. Annu Rev Genet. 39, pp. 359407